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Fireworks is the application of graphic design majored to make website. As according to the definition, Fireworks is more majored its use for designer website with reasoning of graphic design expertise, what entangles peripheral image editing, like Adobe Photoshop and or Corel Draw. Fixtures available in Fireworks adapted for reasoning of skill image editing, between it is :

Ability edits various types image in one applications.
Ability makes animation effect at image
Ability edits image and web page in one applications.
To yield website which is professional and elegant, Fireworks must be combined its use as according to allotment and fixture on unique each application. At the next part of we will see some technologies which can be made alternative and also complement Macromedia Fireworks.

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Search Engine Optimization

SEO, be way which must be gone through if your website fail to occupy position 20 big for keyword expected. There is two primary factors which must be gave attention to process SEO, that is :
1.Factor Internal (relates to writing of content website and HTML)
2.Factor External (relates to link popularity)

Internal Factor
In determining ranking, search engine hardly pays attention to content website as one of reference to determine level of relevance. Web page that is which is the design full image, only consisted of picture and flash and doesn't figure in ordinary text, very difficult read by search engine. Although The existing google has started applies technology AI (Artificial Intelligence), remain to be just has not can read meaning from a picture. Hence from that is content in the form of pure text is obliged to used that your website desisting easy to. In compiling content text, labors that keyword or keyword which you expects used at sentences in the text. Assumes just of keyword is main topic. And if you had a few knowledge about HTML, locates keyword at tag title and at attribute ALT in tag img. Usage of keyword which intended here is usage in fair boundary with a note of sentence still delicious to be read.
Factor External
Search engine applies factor external as reference relevance between content website and keyword. Factor intended is link popularity, that is the many link from other website leading to your website.

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Increases Function Of Web Site

More and more the many internet users hence more and more there are also many web site fitter in Internet. So the many the web sites causing haves no all the its visited by internet user. Web site which silent of visitor often is resulted by a more regular web site maker thought of design and technology which they is create than marketing the web site to other internet user. In general, process of good web site is with existence of team work which is each other supports between 3 element. That is designer, programmer and marketer / administrator. Designer is man which can submit image a business or someone in the form of graphic / picture or animation. This graphical is representative of nuance from owner of web site as a whole. So a designer must can translate what wanted owner of web site (from interview or article) into visual form. Programmer is man is holding responsible in implementing the programs in web site, supposes guest book, counter, form application, reservation and others. formation of Composition web which has been made by designer is implemented carefully by programmer. Hence designer and programmer can be considered to be a group / production team. Marketer is required by filling blankness which cannot be done either by designer and also programmer. Because a designer, because she is man who reasoning of art, more can talk in the form of visual, while as one who programmer reasoning of technique more can talk in programming language that is difficult to understand.

Required someone who is mastering popular language to give information to the Netter in the world with language which is easy is comprehended. One things that is often forgotten by owner of web site is; speed of response to entering enamel or comments. Often web site visitor sends enamel or fills guest book but doesn't visit getting comments from owner of sites. Or even so there are comments but haves the character of late. This thing must be improve by owner of web site. Speed of response is condition sine qua non for serious of we are having business in web.
Standard activity that must be done by marketer is:
Sign in web site at all search the engine,
Diligent follows mailing list is relating to product,
Active in newsgroup and diligent reciprocates every entering enamel and
Diligent reciprocates comments from guest book visitor.
Man is social society and that is natural of which cannot be disobeyed. Man cannot live itself, for the reason web site which is made in man also cannot independent. Willingness to braid team work with web other site hardly required in supporting successful a web site. With installing banner at web other site larger ones and many its the visitors and earns link to place of web your site would hardly assists increasing number of visitors at web your site.

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Operation of File In Visual of Basic

Visual of Basic provides a facility to read, save and repairs data file, causing enables to dissociate data with program, and program can become better because cannot base on data (independent to data), with the meaning its changing data can easily without there having to change its the program file.
Operation of File in Visual Basic there is all kinds of way of file access into its(the application program, be:
1.Opens File
2.Reads File
3.Saving File

To open file good to depository need and also for read applies common command as follows : Open “Name_File” For {Status} As #{n}
Saving data to file in program Visual Basic can be done with opening file for save or writes to file : Open Name_File For Output As #1
To read data from file in program Visual Basic can be done beforehand opens file for reading from file : Open Name_File For Input As #1
Components To Operate For Visual File of Basic has provided components for operating file which in the form of DriveListBox, DirListBox and FileListBox is laying in toolbox.
Description every component File :
1.DriveListBox is component which can present all the drive in MyComputer.
2.Dirlistbox is component which can present all the folders in drive appointed by DriveListBox
3.FileListBox is component which can present all the files in folder appointed by DirListBos or folder path.

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Making Web Concept

Following there are some aspects that need to be paid attention in making a website :
Usability is a real important thing in designing web (web design). very Good if having a dynamic website which seems to be professional and good , but if needs a real time download stripper to an article or usage of its(the navigation is very complicated hence no wonder if consumer would "go out" from your website and will not return again. It is important to know, generally consumer (user) wish to get information quickly though its the website appearance so. If too old when looking for information hence the direct consumers would close the web page. Remembers, doesn't sacrifice usability aspect in design website.

Navigation also becomes a real important thing in a website functioning to assist consumer (user) in exploring website we to look for information wanted in easy. Navigation that is nicely express a real website structure good.
Writing technique in web differs from writing for publication (printed). Time was crux for they using Internet, so that the consumers Internet will not play around with it just for reading a real text a lot. Research proves that the consumers tends to checks text in monitor screen. Besides, quicker reads in monitor screen compared to reads on paper.
Moderation is important thing in making a web professional. Modestly here not in meaning of appearance a sites, but more leads to its the writing technique.
a thing which is easy is accessed to all people neglectfully browser, platform, operating system, jointed or broken is a real main thing to consider when designing a website. You are not necessarily hinder a consumer web exit, whosoever can become potency to become visitor / customer / client. After a website easy to be accessed, makes usage of your website would many accessed by consumer / visitor.
Around one of eleven might not can apply your website relates to some color blindness formats (color blindness). Best, your website will not seems to be at man who color blind of like the one you has designed. Its out of luck is again, this thing it is possible that illegible text, navigation which is difficult applied and other element which hidden.
Element of graph hardly required in a website, because have some functions. But if too much using graph, it is possible that website we will generate various problems.
Development of internet which so fast makes some developer to add new technology can present application required. As a web developer, of course must always keeps abreast of in illusory world that when designing web doesn't arise problem effect of technology cave which statute bared has.

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Control Structure IF

Control structure in programming language is command with form (structure) certain applied to arrange (controls) the way program. Visual of Basic 6 recognizes two control structure types, that is :
1. Decision control structure - applied to decide which program code would done based on a condition.

2. Repetition control structure - applied to do repetition of program code. Would studied at chapter hereinafter.
There is two form of decision control structure, that is :
1. Structure IF ... THEN.
2. Structure SELECT ... CASE.
Form of writing (syntax) structure IF ... THEN :
1. IF condition THEN program code
If condition valuable of True hence will be done.
2. IF condition THEN
program code block 1
program code block 2
If condition valuable of True hence program code block 1 will be done, but if condition valuable of False hence program code block 2 which will be done.

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