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Starts Working with Macromedia Flash MX 2004

step of usage of Macromedia Flash MX 2004 :
1. menu click start → program → macromedia → macromedia flash mx 2004, causing emerges initial display
2. At initial display (Welcome Screen), there are some choices that is serve the purpose of short cut to determine data type which will be built with Flash, that is :

a. Open a Recent Document, this choice applied to open file which has have ever been made or kept
b. Create New, applied to make a file flash which is new
c. Create From Template, makes file flash from choice template (example provided by flash) which there have.
3. Because this is first time you works with Flash, hence selecting option Create New, with choice as follows :
a. Flash Document, applied for make documents create flash which is new, usually will form a file with extension fla (*. fla).
b. Flash Slide Presentation, this choice applied to make a presentation slid by using Flash, will become a file with extension fla (*. fla)
c. Flash Form Application, this choice applied to make a from application built by using Flash, within reason like a form in Basic visual programming, file yielded also in the form of fla.
d. ActionScript File, this choice applied if in the application of flash built will be added ActionScript to give behavior to component flash built, having format yielding file (*. ace).
e. ActionScript Communication File, this choice is choice for level programming advance of ActionScript with Flash, to connect the application of flash with the application of other, and or application builds mobile with flash, its(the output file is (*. asc)
f. Flash JavaScript File, this choice applied to make a javascript at the application of flash, file formed by extension (*. jsfl)
g. Flash Project, this choice applied to build a complete project from a the application of flash, on file file in format (*. flp).

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New Fixture Flash MX Professional

Macromedia Flash is one of the application of a real popular animation is circle by practitioner and designer the application of multimedia. Flash is one of pledge product Macromedia which is quite a lot is applied by this soot. This thing is marked with the hoisterous of various types game in format Flash is earning you to meet in internet. Ability of Flash also enough popular among the animation makers and the application of web which interesting. Some new fixture of flash mx is :

time line effects : to give transition and animation
panel behaviors : to make an animation interactive without having to writes down certain code
accessibility support : to control various interface
spell checker : to verify mistake of spelling at writing of script or form of other text
import video wizard : to water down you in importing file – video file into documents flash
flash player detection : to verify version flash player applied at computer

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