One of the concept which is very good for in computer science is one data structure form of is so-called heap (stack). Simply, heap can be interpreted as a corps data which impressing there is put down data above data which is other. One matter which important to remember that in stack can add and take pass back part is same, so-called as tip of heap (of top stack). Stack represent an list having the nature of “entering is last of first exit (out first in last – LIFO).
Queue represent one data structure type which is often used for the simulation of situation of real world. Queue is an data aggregate of is which addition of element only can be conducted at one particular back part (referred as with side behind or rear), and abolition (intake of element) to pass other back part (referred as with next side or front). Used term if someone enter in a queue is Enqueue. While term which is often wearied by if someone go out from queue is Dequeue. Heap use principle “enter lastly of first exit” or LIFO (Last In First Out), hence at principal queue the used is“ entering is first of exit first” or FIFO (First In First Out). Equally, sequence element exit will is equal to sequence entry.
Tree is linear data structure form do not having nature and special marking. This structure is usually used to depicting relation having the character of hierarchical between element existing. Simplest example of which we can see in everyday life, specially in family is family ancestry. Tree like picture under referred as with linear of chart where every element can have more than two branch. Simply tree can be defined as element corps which one of the its element is referred as with root and remains other element (so called node) broken to become a number of becoming gathering which each other do not correlate one another, so-called with sub tree, or is also referred as with branch. If us see in each sub tree, hence this is sub tree also have root and its it him each. Besides level, is also recognized by term degree of degree from an node. Degree of an node expressed as to the number of child or born of node. Leaf also is often referred as with external node external of node. So that other node, except root, also is often referred as with node in is internal of node. High deepness or height (depth) from an tree is maximum level of node in the tree lessened by 1. Ancestor an node is all located node in one band with the node of root until node evaluated. Forest is corps a number of tree which do not each other correlating.
Graph can be conceived as corps of object activity or, for example, town bus route from one terminal to other terminal, route journey of post package at the time of he accompany letter from one house to other house, and other example of is which can be presented by as a graph. Both example of above representing classic example of with theory graph which more knowledgeable with salesman traveling of problem or problem path shortest, which is on its principle look for short band from all place which must fulfill, so that can economize time, energy, and also expense. Graph in general can be defined as dot corps or nodes of vertices and line or arcs edges. Because line always early with an dot and terminated at other dot, hence line can be written down as couple between two dot.
Data structure at algorithm of programming there is some method, that is : stack, queue, tree, graph. Election used method very hinging with data, good in gathering process and also depository its.
One of the concept which is very good for in computer science is one data structure form of is so-called heap (stack). Simply, heap can be interpreted as a corps data which impressing there is put down data above data which is other. One matter which important to remember that in stack can add and take pass back part is same, so-called as tip of heap (of top stack). Stack represent an list having the nature of “entering is last of first exit (out first in last – LIFO).
Queue represent one data structure type which is often used for the simulation of situation of real world. Queue is an data aggregate of is which addition of element only can be conducted at one particular back part (referred as with side behind or rear), and abolition (intake of element) to pass other back part (referred as with next side or front). Used term if someone enter in a queue is Enqueue. While term which is often wearied by if someone go out from queue is Dequeue. Heap use principle “enter lastly of first exit” or LIFO (Last In First Out), hence at principal queue the used is“ entering is first of exit first” or FIFO (First In First Out). Equally, sequence element exit will is equal to sequence entry.
Tree is linear data structure form do not having nature and special marking. This structure is usually used to depicting relation having the character of hierarchical between element existing. Simplest example of which we can see in everyday life, specially in family is family ancestry. Tree like picture under referred as with linear of chart where every element can have more than two branch. Simply tree can be defined as element corps which one of the its element is referred as with root and remains other element (so called node) broken to become a number of becoming gathering which each other do not correlate one another, so-called with sub tree, or is also referred as with branch. If us see in each sub tree, hence this is sub tree also have root and its it him each. Besides level, is also recognized by term degree of degree from an node. Degree of an node expressed as to the number of child or born of node. Leaf also is often referred as with external node external of node. So that other node, except root, also is often referred as with node in is internal of node. High deepness or height (depth) from an tree is maximum level of node in the tree lessened by 1. Ancestor an node is all located node in one band with the node of root until node evaluated. Forest is corps a number of tree which do not each other correlating.
Graph can be conceived as corps of object activity or, for example, town bus route from one terminal to other terminal, route journey of post package at the time of he accompany letter from one house to other house, and other example of is which can be presented by as a graph. Both example of above representing classic example of with theory graph which more knowledgeable with salesman traveling of problem or problem path shortest, which is on its principle look for short band from all place which must fulfill, so that can economize time, energy, and also expense. Graph in general can be defined as dot corps or nodes of vertices and line or arcs edges. Because line always early with an dot and terminated at other dot, hence line can be written down as couple between two dot.
Data structure at algorithm of programming there is some method, that is : stack, queue, tree, graph. Election used method very hinging with data, good in gathering process and also depository its.