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Design Database

Process Of Design Database

  • Analysis Conditions

Comprehending and knowing data which must be kept in database, application what have to be woke up by above him, type operate for what will be used.

  • Conceptual Design Database

Collected information at phase analyze conditions used to develop high level data description.

  • Design Data Base Logic

Change scheme of E-R become database scheme of relational.

  • Repair Of Scheme

Analysis a group of relationship in database scheme of relational to identify problems which emerge and repairing it.

  • Design Data Base Physical

This step include making of index at some tables, grouping some tables or entangle design repeat which is substantial to database scheme some part.

  • Design Application and Security

All project of software entangling a DBMS have to consider application aspect which beyond database.

Type Attribute Of E-R Diagram

  • Simple attribute that is attribute which do not be elaborated to become attribute sub, or cannot be elaborated to become other attribute.
  • Composite attribute is attribute able to be elaborated to become some attribute sub.
  • Monovalent attribute addressed at attribute having at most one value to every data line.
  • Valuable attribute many is attribute able to contain more than one value, but having same type.
  • Value of Null used by when an entity don't have an value to an attribute. Null also designate that an attribute value there no or unknown.
  • Generation attribute is attribute which is its value is obtained from processing or can be degraded by other related tables or attribute.

Kind Of Key

  • Super Key : representing an gathering which consist of one or more attribute able to differentiate every data line uniquely in a tables.
  • Candidate Key : representing minimum attribute gathering able to differentiate every data line uniquely in a tables.
  • Primary Key : representing most unique key, briefer, a more regular made by reference. Primary Key can be selected from one of candidate key.

Step Making E-R Diagram

  • Identifying and specifying all gathering of entity to involve.
  • Determining attributes of key from each gathering of entity.
  • Identifying and specifying all relationship gathering among gathering of entity existing along with foreign key.
  • Determining degree of cardinalities to every relationship gathering.
  • Equipping gathering of entity relationship gathering and with attribute of descriptive (non key).

Gathering of entity which do not have attribute able to function as primary key. Gathering of entity weak contain entity which is its apparition depend on its existence in a relationship to other entity (strong entity).

Process Of Design Database

  • Analysis Conditions

Comprehending and knowing data which must be kept in database, application what have to be woke up by above him, type operate for what will be used.

  • Conceptual Design Database

Collected information at phase analyze conditions used to develop high level data description.

  • Design Data Base Logic

Change scheme of E-R become database scheme of relational.

  • Repair Of Scheme

Analysis a group of relationship in database scheme of relational to identify problems which emerge and repairing it.

  • Design Data Base Physical

This step include making of index at some tables, grouping some tables or entangle design repeat which is substantial to database scheme some part.

  • Design Application and Security

All project of software entangling a DBMS have to consider application aspect which beyond database.

Type Attribute Of E-R Diagram

  • Simple attribute that is attribute which do not be elaborated to become attribute sub, or cannot be elaborated to become other attribute.
  • Composite attribute is attribute able to be elaborated to become some attribute sub.
  • Monovalent attribute addressed at attribute having at most one value to every data line.
  • Valuable attribute many is attribute able to contain more than one value, but having same type.
  • Value of Null used by when an entity don't have an value to an attribute. Null also designate that an attribute value there no or unknown.
  • Generation attribute is attribute which is its value is obtained from processing or can be degraded by other related tables or attribute.

Kind Of Key

  • Super Key : representing an gathering which consist of one or more attribute able to differentiate every data line uniquely in a tables.
  • Candidate Key : representing minimum attribute gathering able to differentiate every data line uniquely in a tables.
  • Primary Key : representing most unique key, briefer, a more regular made by reference. Primary Key can be selected from one of candidate key.

Step Making E-R Diagram

  • Identifying and specifying all gathering of entity to involve.
  • Determining attributes of key from each gathering of entity.
  • Identifying and specifying all relationship gathering among gathering of entity existing along with foreign key.
  • Determining degree of cardinalities to every relationship gathering.
  • Equipping gathering of entity relationship gathering and with attribute of descriptive (non key).

Gathering of entity which do not have attribute able to function as primary key. Gathering of entity weak contain entity which is its apparition depend on its existence in a relationship to other entity (strong entity).


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