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Making Application Program Bases Data With Delphi 7

Databases represent data aggregate (table) which each other is interconnected which kept in electronic storage media (disk floppy, hard disk, CD, DVD, Flash Disk, PCMCIA) so that can be added, to be edited, to be kept and accessed easily and quickly. Each organization both for having the character of profit (company, hotel, house ill, shop self-service) and also is organizational is non profit (institution governmental, organization of region, school) requiring management of easy data and quickly. Management of data manually with bookkeeping of paper assumed to have many weakness especially if amount of data have very big so that needed by system development of management with data bases.

System Organizer Of Database
Management of data bases do not be conducted directly by user but by a special application program to managing data bases of is so-called with term (Database Management System) what more knowledgeable with DBMS. Functioning DBMS to conduct organized of data where data will be kept, to be edited, to be vanished and enhanced is and also accessed by user. DBMS also function to arrange usage with data which is there are in data bases system and protect data from accessing one who have no business. In data bases management at one particular computer needed an program (software application) capable to process bases data. There is many software able to be used to manage data bases, among others is :
Base on DOS : dBase, fox base, Fox Pros and others.
Base on Windows : MS Access, Visual of Fox base, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Mysql, Interbase and others.
Base on Linux : Mysql, Postgrest and others.
Initially to develop data bases program used language of programming by using data type such as those which explained by above that is can in the form of record. In this way programmer can make specific data bases file type so that do not standard. If happened change of requirement of program, hence program code have to be altered and need time old ones to make a change which in fact relative easy to. However language of programming now have provided better data bases facility that is in the form of support to data bases software which have there is so that data bases program can be woke up according to requirement.
Delphi 7 providing component of BDE, Data of Access, Data Control to connect program with data bases with program of Delphi 7. To make, to editing and vanishing databases (tables), Delphi provide Database facility of Desktop which supporting various data bases format like Paradox, dBase, Sybase Interbase, MS Acces etc.

Databases represent data aggregate (table) which each other is interconnected which kept in electronic storage media (disk floppy, hard disk, CD, DVD, Flash Disk, PCMCIA) so that can be added, to be edited, to be kept and accessed easily and quickly. Each organization both for having the character of profit (company, hotel, house ill, shop self-service) and also is organizational is non profit (institution governmental, organization of region, school) requiring management of easy data and quickly. Management of data manually with bookkeeping of paper assumed to have many weakness especially if amount of data have very big so that needed by system development of management with data bases.

System Organizer Of Database
Management of data bases do not be conducted directly by user but by a special application program to managing data bases of is so-called with term (Database Management System) what more knowledgeable with DBMS. Functioning DBMS to conduct organized of data where data will be kept, to be edited, to be vanished and enhanced is and also accessed by user. DBMS also function to arrange usage with data which is there are in data bases system and protect data from accessing one who have no business. In data bases management at one particular computer needed an program (software application) capable to process bases data. There is many software able to be used to manage data bases, among others is :
Base on DOS : dBase, fox base, Fox Pros and others.
Base on Windows : MS Access, Visual of Fox base, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Mysql, Interbase and others.
Base on Linux : Mysql, Postgrest and others.
Initially to develop data bases program used language of programming by using data type such as those which explained by above that is can in the form of record. In this way programmer can make specific data bases file type so that do not standard. If happened change of requirement of program, hence program code have to be altered and need time old ones to make a change which in fact relative easy to. However language of programming now have provided better data bases facility that is in the form of support to data bases software which have there is so that data bases program can be woke up according to requirement.
Delphi 7 providing component of BDE, Data of Access, Data Control to connect program with data bases with program of Delphi 7. To make, to editing and vanishing databases (tables), Delphi provide Database facility of Desktop which supporting various data bases format like Paradox, dBase, Sybase Interbase, MS Acces etc.


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