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Making Metal Panel

Tutorial Photoshop

1. Make new image. In this fairish example of 250 x 70 pixels. By Using (Rectangular Marquee Tool), make a box on the left. Fill with grayscale color.
2. From menu of Filter, choose Noise, Add Noise. At Amount, fill by 35. Saying the word check at Monochromatic.

3. From menu Edit, choose Transform – Scale. Drag up at right and terminate by depressing Enter.
4. From menu of Filter, choose Render – Lighting Effects.
5. Make a new layer. Change color at foreground become black color. Depress Ctrl + A. From menu Edit, choose Stroke. Fill at Width by 4 pixels and choose Inside for Location.
6. By using (Polygonal Lasso Tool), make a triangle.
7. Depress Ctrl + I to make color at to the is square of length become to turn white.
8. At Opacity option, choose 60 %. Way of other is by button 6.

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Making Lines Effect

Tutorial Photoshop

1. Open file to give effect.
2. Make new image of the size 1 x 2 pixels, giving upper color blackly and undercarriage whitely.

3. From menu Select, choose All.
4. From menu Edit, choose Pattern Define.
5. Return to image to give by mentioned effect.
6. Move to part of Channel and make new channel with clicking Create New Channel icon (its name usually Alpha1).
7. From menu Edit, choose Fill – Pattern.
8. From menu Select, choose Load Selection - Alpha1.
9. Move to part of Layer and choose layer to give effect.
10. From menu Images, choose Adjust – Level.
11. Content Input of Level by 0, 0,4 , 255. You can experiment by trying various level and color of image.

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Making Text With Outline

Tutorial Photoshop

1. Make new file.
2. With Type Mask Tool, makes another text.

3. From menu Edit, choose Stroke. Give value in width, example : 3.
4. Now you can give color in text with Paint Bucket Tool.

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Making Button 3 Dimension

Tutorial Photoshop

1. Make long file of the size is same wide and, for example 150 x 150 pixels. With tool marquee rectangle, make square.
2. At linear of gradient tool, choose color 1 bold and color second is darker. Then give color at square.

3. From menu of select, select all. Of menu of select choose modify - border.
4. You can give text at button.

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Button With Bevel Effect

Tutorial Photoshop

1. Make long file of the size is same wide and, for example 150 x 150 pixels.
2. By using tool marquee elliptical, make circle which lay in middle of image. Afterwards give radian color by using linear of gradient tool.

3. Like step 2, making smaller circle of the size and give color of gradient of adversative direction.
4. You can give text at button.

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System Scheme

Software is an result execute (instruction) able to walk at computer, functioning with true, can serve all possibility of data manipulation and input, instruction and also abilities to conduct an specific function. Kind of software :
• Language Software of programming
• Application data bases Software ( database)
• Application Software of design web
• Graphical Application Software
• Application Software of multimedia

Making of software relate to developer, is software a software able to be used to develop program. Algorithm is logical steps sequence is solving of the problem of which is compiled systematically and is logical. Logical is fundamental matter in logical algorithm, definition is acceptable or sensible of mind and also can be determined by correctness or is wrong of him. Algorithm of programming is logical steps sequence to build a compiled program systematically. Making of software based on algorithm method of programming identified with existence of problem, value early wanted result and problem, process marking of Software good is :
• Good device (systematic and methodological)
• Can execute truly by computer
• Functioning truly according to device
• Can serve all possibility of input
• Interesting appearance
• Friendly User
• Easy in development and conservancy
Learn program is getting wise to strategy resolving of systematic way and problem, methodology resolving of read problem, then in notation agreed on with. Learning program have the character of the understanding of problem, analysis and syntax. Learn language programming its meaning learn to wear language software programming of procedure syntax’s, and certain standard order, shape exploit specific instruction in each language software of programming certain. Procedural according to Indonesian dictionary mean activity phases to finish an method or activity do step for the shake of step by exact in solving an problem. Algorithm of is including process of procedural. At programming of procedural, program differentiated by between part of data with part of instruction. Part of instruction consist of sequence (instruction sequence) to be executed one per one alternately. Groove execution of instruction can change if (there are) any ramification of conditional.
Data on file in manipulation memory by instruction by sequence (named by this procedural), this of programming procedural. Language of programming high level like language of Cobol, Basic, Pascal, C language, Fortran and of is included in language category programming of procedural.
Logical condition notation algorithm it is so easy implementation to language software of programming certain. Order writing of algorithm consist of three part, is :
  • Program title (header) : Program title is part of used as by algorithm text is place define the name of program. Name of program wearied by may not is equal to name of procedure, function and there may not be any dissociation use space.
  • Declaration (dictionary) : Declaration is part of algorithm text as place to define the name of type (type), constantan (variable and const) and also function definition place (procedure and function) (procedure). Comment is the part of algorithm notation which will not execute by comment program, condition is to reside in between parenthesis, example {comment}. Comment can be placed wherever in algorithm notation because especial function of comment is to water down or explain process a algorithm notation.
  • Algorithm : Part of algorithm is part of containing core of instructions or denominating of action which have been defined. Text algorithm component in programming of procedural can in the form of instruction, sequence (case sequence), analyze or restating (loop). Every algorithm step read the from the top of downwards because executing program also walk the from the top of downwards so that sequence writing of algorithm determine step sequence execute program.
Diagram emit a stream of program is picture explaining sequence read of decision data, take of data, processing data and presentation of data process result. Diagram emit a stream of functioning to explain sequence do programming step and as program documentation which it is to facilitate the understanding of to program. Way of designing simple data bases :
  • Collecting all entity in application which you wish to make, then determine also data items (field) in entity.
  • Specifying keys of index. Index is sequence list assess in one field for the entity of made an index to field to be referred as with field lock or index field. One other of vital importance is to specify primary key. Primary key is important so central in compilation of tables, because : given by field is primary index, will have the character of uniquely (may not twin), key required to specify relationship between tables, specifying relationship between tables.
There is three relationship type between tables, that is :
  • One To One : is most relationship of simple, which every data at a its it relationship with a data also at other tables.
  • One To Many : is relationship which at most show, which a data at one particular tables have relationship with many data at other tables.
  • Many To Many : is relationship which must avoid in scheme of bases of data. If relationship happened of this, so have to look for by its alternative by making the tables of medium between tables.

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Elementary Guidance Of Scheme System

System of Analyst conduct gathering of boldness from all user and also management in order to obtaining especial materials to scheme of assigned system to it. Materials of them will be used as by scope criterion of system to make of. All mentioned materials collected in phase analyze system, referring to existence of requirement of management there will be its of new system which more fulfilling of requirement of information system to management of company (pertinent business). Hereinafter, pursuant to mentioned obtained it materials, a System Analyst will conduct scheme of new system. In course of scheme of system, hence a number of elementary guidance following can use of as jetty refuse to work (design the system). As for a number of such elementary guidance is :

  • Do system old ones will be developed, just or is enough to made moderate it. Sometimes a system felt do not too effective just because the system implementation which do not be carried out as according to available guidance. If this matter that happened, hence duty designer of system only conducting repair in just observation areas needed it, to control the system implementation to be more awake.
  • What is a number of step it is true really important ? And if yes, do have been done as well as possible ? Do not each important process step in a procedure management of information system. Its meaning, really of vital importance, so that want not want have to be done beforehand. But there is also steps which must be done, what otherwise, will make system become into peaces.
  • About of is existence of natural functions of duplication and redundancy. In an big organization, with division of very function detailed in various the organizational shares and function enable the existence of a number of unnecessary function, and also sometime is also conducted repeatedly, by parts of is other. Function which is redundant better be eliminated. Function medium which is duplication have to be specified to be done by such shares, as according to its.
  • New system shall work quackery, more complete and totally, cheaper and also compared to old system. This criterion represent elementary criterion in forming a system. But it is true still there must be an 'trade-off' among various mentioned criterion, if it is true perforce to that way. Sometimes a system do not improve speed process, is but assessed by more comprehensive is, in wrought, and cover all important information system aspect of pertinent company. Sometime, can be costlier also, because needing of mediums assist newly, costlier of old peripheral which have there is.
  • Released reports in new system have to really can fulfill requirement of management information. One of the reason of management to want the existence of new system is because them need more assisting reports in course of management of its work.
  • is needed by the existence of mediums watering down operation to system implementation. A system designed to fulfill requirement of management. If the system executed not precisely, hence target of the system development become do not reach, because management do not get result of which is craved it.

Pursuant to breakdown of above, hence we can conclude, that in course of designing new system have to fulfill by things following is.
  • We have to recognize real correctly, concerning requirement of information system required by management as well as possible. With understanding real correctly is mentioned, hence we can plan form, information frequency and content which must be performed.
  • In course of yielding craved information system, hence we have to can make efficient and effective device. For example by studying procedures which needn't, and have to be eliminated is.
  • Have to can create a really efficient system, by eliminating procedure which actually experience of duplication. New system have to be more either from old system, measured from speed factor yield report, comprehensive in combine all element in course of its data processing, and also have to be more be cheap (related to of growth of company in a future).

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