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Making Lines Effect

Tutorial Photoshop

1. Open file to give effect.
2. Make new image of the size 1 x 2 pixels, giving upper color blackly and undercarriage whitely.

3. From menu Select, choose All.
4. From menu Edit, choose Pattern Define.
5. Return to image to give by mentioned effect.
6. Move to part of Channel and make new channel with clicking Create New Channel icon (its name usually Alpha1).
7. From menu Edit, choose Fill – Pattern.
8. From menu Select, choose Load Selection - Alpha1.
9. Move to part of Layer and choose layer to give effect.
10. From menu Images, choose Adjust – Level.
11. Content Input of Level by 0, 0,4 , 255. You can experiment by trying various level and color of image.

Tutorial Photoshop

1. Open file to give effect.
2. Make new image of the size 1 x 2 pixels, giving upper color blackly and undercarriage whitely.

3. From menu Select, choose All.
4. From menu Edit, choose Pattern Define.
5. Return to image to give by mentioned effect.
6. Move to part of Channel and make new channel with clicking Create New Channel icon (its name usually Alpha1).
7. From menu Edit, choose Fill – Pattern.
8. From menu Select, choose Load Selection - Alpha1.
9. Move to part of Layer and choose layer to give effect.
10. From menu Images, choose Adjust – Level.
11. Content Input of Level by 0, 0,4 , 255. You can experiment by trying various level and color of image.


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