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Computer Network

In general the so called as computer network is some computer able to interact and conduct communications one another by using peripheral of network like card Ethernet, bridge, modem and others. Between peripheral of the network connected to pass/ media, can wireless (microwave) and also with cable media like UTP, STP and also of fiber optic. Advantage use computer network for example :

  • Can conduct transfer of file or data
  • Usage of printer together by all computer unit which in circuit
  • Communications between employees in an departmental environment become more effective with existence of Email program and Chatting
  • Data access between computer can limit from undesirable consumer pass installation of password in every computer
  • If one of the computer unit in circuit with Internet pass or modem of LAN, hence all or some of unit computer at network earn also access internet with method of sharing connection

Type Computer Network
If seen from scope side and its reach, network can be divided to become some type, that is :
  • LAN (Local Area Network). Only there are one or two server and also some client and its extent only there are in one location, building or room
  • WAN (Wide Area of Network). Representing alliance of LAN, which is just its scope earn one location, for example story building or earn spread over in some location in all the world. Network this type of requiring to minimize one server to every LAN, and require to minimize two server having different location to forming it
  • Internet. Representing a group of spread over network in all the world which each other in circuit form one big network of computer. In this network some service which is often used by FTP, Enamel, Chat, Telnet, Conference, News Group and of Mailing List. Usually this network use protocol TCP / IP
  • Intranet. this Type Network represent alliance of LAN / WAN with Internet. If seen from its extent, hence this network is type of LAN / WAN giving service like service of Internet to its terminal of him. Difference of Intranet and Internet is Intranet only serving one just certain organization

In general the so called as computer network is some computer able to interact and conduct communications one another by using peripheral of network like card Ethernet, bridge, modem and others. Between peripheral of the network connected to pass/ media, can wireless (microwave) and also with cable media like UTP, STP and also of fiber optic. Advantage use computer network for example :

  • Can conduct transfer of file or data
  • Usage of printer together by all computer unit which in circuit
  • Communications between employees in an departmental environment become more effective with existence of Email program and Chatting
  • Data access between computer can limit from undesirable consumer pass installation of password in every computer
  • If one of the computer unit in circuit with Internet pass or modem of LAN, hence all or some of unit computer at network earn also access internet with method of sharing connection

Type Computer Network
If seen from scope side and its reach, network can be divided to become some type, that is :
  • LAN (Local Area Network). Only there are one or two server and also some client and its extent only there are in one location, building or room
  • WAN (Wide Area of Network). Representing alliance of LAN, which is just its scope earn one location, for example story building or earn spread over in some location in all the world. Network this type of requiring to minimize one server to every LAN, and require to minimize two server having different location to forming it
  • Internet. Representing a group of spread over network in all the world which each other in circuit form one big network of computer. In this network some service which is often used by FTP, Enamel, Chat, Telnet, Conference, News Group and of Mailing List. Usually this network use protocol TCP / IP
  • Intranet. this Type Network represent alliance of LAN / WAN with Internet. If seen from its extent, hence this network is type of LAN / WAN giving service like service of Internet to its terminal of him. Difference of Intranet and Internet is Intranet only serving one just certain organization


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