Operator at is Turbo Pascal there are all kinds of, for example mathematics operator, relationship operator and operator of Boolean. operator mathematical of operator of Boolean still divided again become operator of And, operator of Or, operator of XOR and NOT operator.
Operator Boolean
Operator Boolean useful to operate natural existence “and”, “not”, ”or” and “ or exclusive”. operator for operation this among others is AND ( operation “and”), OR (OPERASI “or”, XOR (operation “or is exclusive”) and NOT (operation “not”).
Operator AND
Operator AND used to compare two element, its result will be real correct if both correctness. When given real correct logic symbol 1 and given by wrong logic of symbol 0.
Operator OR
Operator OR used to compare two element, its result will be real correct if one of the or both correctness. When logic given by real correct of symbol 1 and given by wrong logic of symbol 0.
Operator XOR
Operator XOR used to compare two element, its result will be real correct if real correct one of them. When real correct logic given by of symbol 1 and given by wrong logic of symbol 0.
Operator NOT
Not only entangling a operand.
IF Statement
IF Statement have all kinds of form, that is :
Simple IF Statement
Form simple IF statement shall be as follows :
IF of is condition of THEN statement
At this form of, statement will only be run by if condition valuable of TRUE.
IF ELSE Statement
Form IF ELSE is to following :
IF of is condition of THEN
At this form of if pernyataan1 do not fulfilled hence will run second statement.
Statement of IF have a nest
Statement of IF have a nest is where at IF statement pregnant of IF statement the other. An guidance to comprehending statement of IF ELSE shall be as follows :
1.Correct ELSE IF with couple above him, located in one block
2.If located IF just prior to ELSE located in BEGIN END, IF told is not located in one block which is same.
CASE Statement
CASE Statement represent alternative of IF statement to problem of multiple choicely. At certain problem of CASE more is giving of clarity than IF. But all problem which earn to be handled by CASE can handle by IF.
FOR Statement
FOR Statement used to conduct repetition which is its amount have been known previously. Following will be explained kinds of form of FOR :
FOR TO (referred as also positive restating)
Restating of FOR TO represent restating with numerator from small to big and its for its for is to following :
FOR Variable := first_value TO last_value DO statement
With first_value <= last_value FOR DOWNTO (referred as also negative restating) Restating of FOR DOWNTO represent restating with numerator from big to small and its for shall be as follows : FOR variable := first_value DOWNTO last_value DO statement With first_value => last_value
FOR have a nest
Restating form have a nest this is restating residing in the other restating. deeper restating will be processed beforehand until finished, then restating which more external just done.
While Statement
While Statement ordinary While to conduct repetition which is its amount unknown in front of or after digit do not equal to 1 or – 1, so that statement will to continuing during valuable condition of True form While statement :
WHILE condition DO statement
Repeat...Until Statement
Repeat...Until used to repeat (repeat statement) until of is condition of selected in Until do not fulfilled. Equation with while is wearied to handle repetition which is its not sure amount.
Operator Boolean
Operator Boolean useful to operate natural existence “and”, “not”, ”or” and “ or exclusive”. operator for operation this among others is AND ( operation “and”), OR (OPERASI “or”, XOR (operation “or is exclusive”) and NOT (operation “not”).
Operator AND
Operator AND used to compare two element, its result will be real correct if both correctness. When given real correct logic symbol 1 and given by wrong logic of symbol 0.
Operator OR
Operator OR used to compare two element, its result will be real correct if one of the or both correctness. When logic given by real correct of symbol 1 and given by wrong logic of symbol 0.
Operator XOR
Operator XOR used to compare two element, its result will be real correct if real correct one of them. When real correct logic given by of symbol 1 and given by wrong logic of symbol 0.
Operator NOT
Not only entangling a operand.
IF Statement
IF Statement have all kinds of form, that is :
Simple IF Statement
Form simple IF statement shall be as follows :
IF of is condition of THEN statement
At this form of, statement will only be run by if condition valuable of TRUE.
IF ELSE Statement
Form IF ELSE is to following :
IF of is condition of THEN
At this form of if pernyataan1 do not fulfilled hence will run second statement.
Statement of IF have a nest
Statement of IF have a nest is where at IF statement pregnant of IF statement the other. An guidance to comprehending statement of IF ELSE shall be as follows :
1.Correct ELSE IF with couple above him, located in one block
2.If located IF just prior to ELSE located in BEGIN END, IF told is not located in one block which is same.
CASE Statement
CASE Statement represent alternative of IF statement to problem of multiple choicely. At certain problem of CASE more is giving of clarity than IF. But all problem which earn to be handled by CASE can handle by IF.
FOR Statement
FOR Statement used to conduct repetition which is its amount have been known previously. Following will be explained kinds of form of FOR :
FOR TO (referred as also positive restating)
Restating of FOR TO represent restating with numerator from small to big and its for its for is to following :
FOR Variable := first_value TO last_value DO statement
With first_value <= last_value FOR DOWNTO (referred as also negative restating) Restating of FOR DOWNTO represent restating with numerator from big to small and its for shall be as follows : FOR variable := first_value DOWNTO last_value DO statement With first_value => last_value
FOR have a nest
Restating form have a nest this is restating residing in the other restating. deeper restating will be processed beforehand until finished, then restating which more external just done.
While Statement
While Statement ordinary While to conduct repetition which is its amount unknown in front of or after digit do not equal to 1 or – 1, so that statement will to continuing during valuable condition of True form While statement :
WHILE condition DO statement
Repeat...Until Statement
Repeat...Until used to repeat (repeat statement) until of is condition of selected in Until do not fulfilled. Equation with while is wearied to handle repetition which is its not sure amount.
Operator at is Turbo Pascal there are all kinds of, for example mathematics operator, relationship operator and operator of Boolean. operator mathematical of operator of Boolean still divided again become operator of And, operator of Or, operator of XOR and NOT operator.
Operator Boolean
Operator Boolean useful to operate natural existence “and”, “not”, ”or” and “ or exclusive”. operator for operation this among others is AND ( operation “and”), OR (OPERASI “or”, XOR (operation “or is exclusive”) and NOT (operation “not”).
Operator AND
Operator AND used to compare two element, its result will be real correct if both correctness. When given real correct logic symbol 1 and given by wrong logic of symbol 0.
Operator OR
Operator OR used to compare two element, its result will be real correct if one of the or both correctness. When logic given by real correct of symbol 1 and given by wrong logic of symbol 0.
Operator XOR
Operator XOR used to compare two element, its result will be real correct if real correct one of them. When real correct logic given by of symbol 1 and given by wrong logic of symbol 0.
Operator NOT
Not only entangling a operand.
IF Statement
IF Statement have all kinds of form, that is :
Simple IF Statement
Form simple IF statement shall be as follows :
IF of is condition of THEN statement
At this form of, statement will only be run by if condition valuable of TRUE.
IF ELSE Statement
Form IF ELSE is to following :
IF of is condition of THEN
At this form of if pernyataan1 do not fulfilled hence will run second statement.
Statement of IF have a nest
Statement of IF have a nest is where at IF statement pregnant of IF statement the other. An guidance to comprehending statement of IF ELSE shall be as follows :
1.Correct ELSE IF with couple above him, located in one block
2.If located IF just prior to ELSE located in BEGIN END, IF told is not located in one block which is same.
CASE Statement
CASE Statement represent alternative of IF statement to problem of multiple choicely. At certain problem of CASE more is giving of clarity than IF. But all problem which earn to be handled by CASE can handle by IF.
FOR Statement
FOR Statement used to conduct repetition which is its amount have been known previously. Following will be explained kinds of form of FOR :
FOR TO (referred as also positive restating)
Restating of FOR TO represent restating with numerator from small to big and its for its for is to following :
FOR Variable := first_value TO last_value DO statement
With first_value <= last_value FOR DOWNTO (referred as also negative restating) Restating of FOR DOWNTO represent restating with numerator from big to small and its for shall be as follows : FOR variable := first_value DOWNTO last_value DO statement With first_value => last_value
FOR have a nest
Restating form have a nest this is restating residing in the other restating. deeper restating will be processed beforehand until finished, then restating which more external just done.
While Statement
While Statement ordinary While to conduct repetition which is its amount unknown in front of or after digit do not equal to 1 or – 1, so that statement will to continuing during valuable condition of True form While statement :
WHILE condition DO statement
Repeat...Until Statement
Repeat...Until used to repeat (repeat statement) until of is condition of selected in Until do not fulfilled. Equation with while is wearied to handle repetition which is its not sure amount.
Operator Boolean
Operator Boolean useful to operate natural existence “and”, “not”, ”or” and “ or exclusive”. operator for operation this among others is AND ( operation “and”), OR (OPERASI “or”, XOR (operation “or is exclusive”) and NOT (operation “not”).
Operator AND
Operator AND used to compare two element, its result will be real correct if both correctness. When given real correct logic symbol 1 and given by wrong logic of symbol 0.
Operator OR
Operator OR used to compare two element, its result will be real correct if one of the or both correctness. When logic given by real correct of symbol 1 and given by wrong logic of symbol 0.
Operator XOR
Operator XOR used to compare two element, its result will be real correct if real correct one of them. When real correct logic given by of symbol 1 and given by wrong logic of symbol 0.
Operator NOT
Not only entangling a operand.
IF Statement
IF Statement have all kinds of form, that is :
Simple IF Statement
Form simple IF statement shall be as follows :
IF of is condition of THEN statement
At this form of, statement will only be run by if condition valuable of TRUE.
IF ELSE Statement
Form IF ELSE is to following :
IF of is condition of THEN
At this form of if pernyataan1 do not fulfilled hence will run second statement.
Statement of IF have a nest
Statement of IF have a nest is where at IF statement pregnant of IF statement the other. An guidance to comprehending statement of IF ELSE shall be as follows :
1.Correct ELSE IF with couple above him, located in one block
2.If located IF just prior to ELSE located in BEGIN END, IF told is not located in one block which is same.
CASE Statement
CASE Statement represent alternative of IF statement to problem of multiple choicely. At certain problem of CASE more is giving of clarity than IF. But all problem which earn to be handled by CASE can handle by IF.
FOR Statement
FOR Statement used to conduct repetition which is its amount have been known previously. Following will be explained kinds of form of FOR :
FOR TO (referred as also positive restating)
Restating of FOR TO represent restating with numerator from small to big and its for its for is to following :
FOR Variable := first_value TO last_value DO statement
With first_value <= last_value FOR DOWNTO (referred as also negative restating) Restating of FOR DOWNTO represent restating with numerator from big to small and its for shall be as follows : FOR variable := first_value DOWNTO last_value DO statement With first_value => last_value
FOR have a nest
Restating form have a nest this is restating residing in the other restating. deeper restating will be processed beforehand until finished, then restating which more external just done.
While Statement
While Statement ordinary While to conduct repetition which is its amount unknown in front of or after digit do not equal to 1 or – 1, so that statement will to continuing during valuable condition of True form While statement :
WHILE condition DO statement
Repeat...Until Statement
Repeat...Until used to repeat (repeat statement) until of is condition of selected in Until do not fulfilled. Equation with while is wearied to handle repetition which is its not sure amount.